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Get the technology to make people talk

With both live crowdfunding campaigns and innovative products shipping, there’s no better place to start the hunt for cool and clever innovations that surprise and delight. 11beasts is where new launches.

Be a part of emerging tech, design, and much more

New to crowdfunding? Welcome! With 11beasts's crowdfunding and Demand campaigns, there's no better place to discover ingenious products just as they emerge from the minds of creative entrepreneurs around the world.

Our mission is to help bring creative projects to life.

11beasts turn ideas into reality. Here, creators share their new vision of creative work with communities, and these communities will jointly fund them.

Join the journey from idea to market

With 11beasts, you have the opportunity to support entrepreneurs and new technology from the earliest stages of development. Be sure to evaluate every campaign closely and contribute at a level you can afford in the event that the team is unable to complete the project as planned.

Asking for money is hard. FundPress makes it easier.

Free & Simple Setup.

Start fundraising in minutes.No goal requirements, no deadlines.

Most Money Raised.

Start fundraising in minutes.No goal requirements, no deadlines.

Expert Advice, 24/7.

Start fundraising in minutes.No goal requirements, no deadlines.

Safety. Guaranteed.

Start fundraising in minutes.No goal requirements, no deadlines.

From the Journal

It allows you to gather monthly subscriptions from fans to help fund your creative projects. They also encourage their users to offer rewards to fans as a way to repay them for their support.

The Cost to Create a Book

The Cost to Create a Book

Mango Atwell shares how she budgeted to publish her ode book. In 2014, I had been running my website, for three years when I started

The Latest Tech in PCB Manufacturing

The Latest Tech in PCB Manufacturing

Electronics manufacturing is advancing all the time, but the technology behind printed circuit boards has remained the same for decades — largely thanks to the

10 Mistakes NOT to Make in Crowdfunding

10 Mistakes NOT to Make in Crowdfunding

The harsh reality of crowdfunding is that most activities fail to achieve their goals. Gone are the days when you launch a campaign and it